Matylda Wyszynska with friends from work

It’s me with the friends from the school of the State Labour Inspection.

After the war I terribly wanted to work and later, unbeknownst to Staszek, I went to work at a factory, in the machine room.

Then I met my second husband. In 1953 I started working for the labor inspection and worked there until my retirement in 1984.

Then I got a divorce (don't remember the exact year) and I married an actor called Wyszynski, he was an actor in Czestochowa, then in Opole, in the Thirteen Rows Theatre of Grotowski.

We weren't long together because he drank a lot, an artistic soul, essentially.

My first husband was such a calm, reliable, really loving man.

Here I entered this milieu, I was bitten by the theatre bug, it was not Wyszynski I fell in love with but theatre.

Photos from this interviewee