Basya Chaika's uncle Yakov Pan, his wife Sarah and their son Yura

Basya Chaika's uncle Yakov Pan, his wife Sarah and their son Yura

My uncle, Yakov Pan, his wife Sarah and son Yura. The photo was made approximately in 1930 in Kiev. My father and his two brothers received good educations: first Jewish (I think, they went to a kheder in Kazatin), and then - secular, in Kiev. Uncle Yakov was a Communist, a military, who held a very high position; he was also a deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. He died in 1937 in Moscow from a stroke, while speaking at a meeting to his electors. (A few months before his death, his cousin, whose name I unfortunately don't know, was arrested and shot on the same night in Kiev). Uncle Yakov escaped his destiny - he died his own death. A street in Vinnitsa was named after him. I remember him very well: nice military uniform, a black car that took him everywhere, a luxurious flat he and his wife Sarah had in Kiev in Pechersk - a white bear skin on the floor of his huge study. He visited us very seldom, but I received birthday presents from him every year - large boxes of candies that we never saw in our life.(10) Grandmother Hannah had a very hard time after the death of her son. He was her biggest pride in life. Grandfather Aaron did not live to see his death; he died in 1936. Uncle Yakov worked at the railways, and due to his railway department we were evacuated. My aunt and uncle were settled in a room at the train station, and my uncle began to work at the railway depot .
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