Lubov Ratmanskaya's cousin Misha Ratmansky

Lubov Ratmanskaya's cousin Misha Ratmansky

My cousin, the hero of the Civil War, the son of my uncle Aron-Shloyme, Misha Ratmansky. The photo was taken in the 1910s in Kiev. Aron-Shloyme's children were committed communists. Misha Ratmansky, was born in 1900. He was head of the Podol District Committee of the Komsomol in Kiev. In 1919 he was the commissar of a unit made up of Komsomol members from Kiev who went to fight the ataman Zeleny. People say that a note was pinned on the doors of that district committee, which read, 'Committee closed. All gone to the front.' Misha died in July 1919. A street in Kiev was named in his honor.
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