Appointment of Jacob Haller for a baccalaureate commission

This is the appointment that my husband, Iacob Haller, received for the baccalaureate commission of the Jewish High School in Botosani in 1944.

The text of the document reads:

"The Jewish Community of Botosani

The Theoretical and Commercial High Schools No. 478

1944 Month of November Day 3

To Iacob Haller Esq, Dorohoi

We have the honor of communicating to you that in accordance with the address of M.C.N. No. 152.580/944 you are appointed a member of the 10th Baccalaureate Commission that will function at the Jewish High School in Botosani, the department of Geography.

Director, ... Secretary, ..."

My husband´s name was Iacob Haller, he was from Siret. He was 1 year older than me, he was born in 1914. He graduated the Faculty of Natural Sciences in Cernauti. My husband was recommended to me by David Kesler, my cousin in Dorohoi. My husband was a teacher in Dorohoi, and my cousin knew him well. We got married in 1946. My husband obtained a transfer from the high school in Dorohoi to the "A. T. Laurian" High School in Botosani, and it wasn't long before he became principal of the "A. T. Laurian" High School. He was principal for a few years. He wasn't a party member - nor was I. He taught biology. He was known to be a good teacher. He was on the board of examiners for the baccalaureate examination, he was a highly esteemed teacher. He worked at the "A. T. Laurian" High School until his retirement. He retired around 1972-1973. And he departed [died] in 1996 and that's that.

My husband spoke both Romanian and Yiddish, too. He wasn't very religious, moderate I'd say. He went to the synagogue very rarely. He did so on holidays. Especially when prayers for the dead were performed, he always attended the synagogue as well. He also wore the tefillin at home from time to time.

Photos from this interviewee