Death notification of Rakhil Vilenskaya

This is an official notification, registration number 85926, issued by the International Red Cross, the International Search Service, containing an excerpt from documents regarding former concentration camps.

Which states that Rakhil Vilenskaya (the papers indicated her last name as Vilenski, in French manner), born in 1880, who lives at 8, Rue de Prague, Paris was received at the concentration camp

"Ñombined in Pitivye" with a "Jewess" category (brand) and was transferred to Auschwitz (Osventsym) concentration camp on 20-21st September 1942.

The notification was written in January 1961 in Arolsen (Walden), Germany (FRG) based on the following papers:

‘Transportation lists’ of the combined camp in Pitivye and Transportation lists (halting place # 35) BdS-Frankreich’. The notification was certified on 29th November 1982 by the Vice-Consul of the FRG in Leningrad by Herr B. Malden.

The name of Rakhil Vilenskaya is indicated on the memorial plate installed at present on the wall of the Rothschild hospital, where she had worked. The names of employees, who perished in the battle against fascism, are listed on this plate.

When I was in Paris, I saw that memorial plate and the building (8 Rue de Prague), where I lived the first years of my life.