Ida Limonova's mother Rosalia Sneiderman and her sisters

My mother, Rosalia Sneiderman, and her sisters. Nyunia is standing on the left and Zoya on the right. My mother is sitting on the left and Manya on the right. My mother is wearing a mourning gown; Nyunia and Manya came to Kiev for my father's funeral in 1957. My mother's sisters and brothers were all born in Kharkov except for her oldest brother. Manya was born 1891, Nyunia in 1894 and Zoya, the youngest one, 1899. My mother finished primary school. She was very fond of reading. Manya, Nyunia and Zoya finished grammar school. My mother's brothers and sisters weren't religious. They spoke Russian, although Yiddish was their mother tongue. I believe they might have observed some Jewish traditions to pay their respect to their parents and the past of their people. My mother was a housewife and took care of the children. She also cooked meals for students. There was an institute not far from our house and students came to buy an inexpensive and delicious homemade meal. I believe this was kosher food, because this was the only way all food was cooked in our house. My mother also did some sewing to make some extra money. She did this when the family needed it badly. When my father could provide for the family she returned to her housekeeping duties. Manya was an accountant, and Zoya worked at a state bank from the 1930s. In the beginning she worked in Kharkov. Later, when the capital was transferred from Kharkov to Kiev, she and her husband, Isaac Fidelev, who worked at the bank as well, moved to Kiev. I was very glad that I had relatives in Kiev, because the rest of my family was living in Kharkov. My parents, their brothers and sisters and both my grandfathers were there.