Mendel Farkas’ death certificate

This certificate was issued upon our request by the town hall from Turda, we didn't know how things would develop after the war, so we requested a certificate to be issued about the conditions my father Mendel Farkas has died in.

Right after the takeover, when Antonescu came to power, they fired my father - he was a high-ranking clerk in the pottery company in Turda - because he was Jew. And he fell ill around that time, approximately in 1943. Of course, this worried him, and contributed in the aggravation of his sickness.

Unfortunately my father perished at age 55, he couldn't be saved. We took him everywhere, but before the liberation we couldn't come to Kolozsvar. We lived in Turda, and after the liberation my mother took him to Szeben, because the hospital from Kolozsvar was in Szeben then - in 1940-44 the Romanian doctors moved to Szeben - but they sent them back because the diagnosis was cancer of the stomach, which killed him. He died on 6th March 1945.