Semyon Vilenskiy’s daughter Maria Vilenskaya and grandson David Vilenskiy

My daughter Maria Vilenskaya with her son David. This photo was taken in Los Angeles in 2001. She sent it to me for the memory.

My daughter Maria was born in 1958. She was a good kid. She studied well. She finished Moscow Oil College and got married. She has two children: Rebecca and David. Rebecca is 12 and David is 5 years old. Maria moved to America 12 years ago. She has a good life there. She actually wasn't going to move there. She happened to have the nephropathy of pregnant women. Women usually die from this disease. Since she came from a family of medical workers, the most outstanding reanimation specialist in Russia watched her closely. Academician Sakharov and his wife Bonner made arrangements for an American doctor to visit here twice. This doctor said it would be better for her to move to America or Europe to survive. She had numerous blood transfusions and for 60 days she was kept on artificial respiration. In 1991 her family moved to. She wanted me to join them, but I refused. It's hard to change life, habits and languages at my age.