The Szilagyi girls, Sari and Lili

This picture was taken for my daughter Juli's girls. These are my two granddaughters, Sari on the left with brown hair, and Lili the younger and blonde one on the right. It was taken about two years ago. Sari could be about thirteen and Lili is about twelve. They go to dance class three times a week. They love it, and the other kids are good. My son-in-law is a film technician, he's got a Kft. [company], and works with different groups and different productions. My daughter is now managing some foriegn trade. Before that, she worked for me in book publishing, while her kids were still tiny. She could only take on work that meant being occupied in the evenings. She spent a lot of time with her children, and can play with them exquisitely. She's able to do puzzles with them for hours. We live in a close community, everyday we telephoned. We aren?t together so often, but luckily I have my duty to do for them, they have me at their Kapolnasnyek house in the summer for two or three weeks with the children. They?re always well-organized summers because there's always a lot of kids. Last summer, a whole dance group vacationed there for a week.