The wedding of Rebeca Gershon-Levi's cousin Rebeca

This is the wedding of Uncle Shmuel Kalef's younger daughter Rebeca in 1972. Here are my uncle (the one wearing glasses) and his wife Kler, my mother, Sarina Avram Gershon, nee Kalef, and my father Albert Haim Gershon (on the very left), my brother Haim Albert Gershon and his wife Susana (behind my parents), my cousin Itzhak Menda (on the right) with his wife and two children (in the middle), his younger brother Haim Menda (to the left of my uncle), the groom Moshe and the bride Rebeca. Uncle Shmuel went to Israel in 1948 with the whole family. All my relatives from Bulgaria moved to Israel in that year and the next one.