Yankl Dudakas with his mother Gitah Dudak and father Itzhak Dudak

This is my mother Gitah Dudak, my father Itzhak Dudak and I, Yankl Dudakas. This photo was taken in Jonava in 1932. I was born in the small Lithuanian town of Jonava. There were only three parallel streets and lanes mostly inhabited by Jews in this town on the banks of the Neris and Vilija Rivers. Most Jews were poor, as a rule, and in their majority they were craftsmen. After their wedding my parents rented a small apartment. I, Yankl Dovid, was born in this apartment on 30th March 1930. In 1933 my brother, who was given the name of our not so long ago deceased great-grandfather Mende, was born. In 1935 our younger brother Simon was born. I still have memories of my early childhood. At home I was called Dodik and I got used to this name. I still respond, when they address me as Dovid, though I have the name Yankl in my passport. Our family led a rather modest life on the verge of poverty. However, we always had sufficient food. We were never hungry. Besides, I was a poor eater in my childhood, and hungry children aren?t picky with food. I didn't like eating at home, and Mama was chasing after me with a plate and a spoon in her hands.