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The Jewish soldier’s red star | Jewish war veterans in Ukraine recall The Great Patriotic War Excerpts from the Centropa interviews

Jewish war veterans in Ukraine recall The Great Patriotic War. Excerpts from the Centropa interviews.

Using Amos Oz with the Detinko film


An Introduction to Centropa’s film about Haya-Lea Detinko. This lesson uses excerpts from A Tale and Love and Darkness by the great Israeli novelist, and the film about Haya-Lea Dinko...

Ranana Malkhanova - Interactive Film Script

The interactive film scripts combine the scripts of the Centropa Films with the links metioned in the Study Guides, thus marking various historical, cultural and geographical references.

You can use...

Haya-Lea Detinko: Centropa, Russia and Zionism


This lesson plan uses resources from the Centropa website including some of Ursula Reinhart-Döring’s lesson plan from the teachers’ section. Because her lesson was designed for ESL kids, Margaret Chasan...

Using the Detinko film with Amos Oz


This lesson plan describes how an Israeli school used Centropa´s Detinko film with Amos Oz's book "A tale of love and darkness". Both depict Jewish pre-war life in Rovno.

Haya-Lea Detinko: Lesson plan for ESL teachers
